Proposed structure for choosing leaders in Islamic countries

In the days of the Rashidun Caliphate, everyone did not participate in selecting leaders. meritocracy was preferred over democracy for selecting leaders in the Rashidun Caliphate, which is considered the best time for Islamic rule after the prophet Muhammad ( SAW ). Here I am going to propose a structure for selecting leaders in Islamic countries. Nowadays some Muslim countries have populations of more than a hundred million, so choosing leaders has become very complex, so here starts my proposal... 1. everyone who is reaching 18 years of age and interested in participating in state affairs in Islamic countries will register his/her name for leadership positions. 2. with the application of registration he /she will submit a paper from a local imam (who is registered with the Ministry of Religious Affairs)about his/her character and practice of religious obligations. There should be a process of punishment if an imam intentionally gives a wrong recomm...